
So many books, so little time!


July 2007

8 random things…

Tagged by amillionPeices. When I was 16, some guy from the repair company broke my trophy accidentally. That was years back but I am still pissed off with him. You may ask why? Well, because it was the one and… Continue Reading →


Yesterday as I was walking towards home at night, all engrossed and not paying attention to what was happening around me; suddenly someone was standing in front of me. Startled, I looked up to see a Eunuch blocking my way,… Continue Reading →

Protected: Booooom…

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Do you believe in God?

I don’t know if I do. As in I am not sure. This is one topic which I am really confused about. When asked about it all I manage is an ‘Umm’, ‘maybe’ or ‘I don’t know’. I don’t pray… Continue Reading →


By CM  I remember doing something like this before, but anywayz… Seven brides for seven brothers (or just 7 things you didn’t know about me): 1) I love to dream. 2) I never have to watch my weight; I can… Continue Reading →

One year of so much…

It has been exactly one year since blogging and honestly it doesn’t feel like so much time has gone by. I had to go back to my previous blog and check the date from the Archives and as I was… Continue Reading →

Setting me up…

“Well, I saw a really cute guy in the bus this morning while coming to Ofiice. He is perfect for you”. I almost chocked on my food. “WHAT???” Did I hear you right”. “Yup, you did. Come on he is… Continue Reading →

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