Wordless Wednesday: Mysore, India


Mysore Palace





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  1. Hi Violet,
    Some fantastic pictures this week.
    Personal taste, I am not so keen on the first picture, but the other three are beautiful.

  2. Wow, these are great pics! The architectures look great too!

  3. Wow. The variety in building styles is great.

  4. I love the architecture! Such beautiful buildings.

  5. Ooooh, I hope you’ll be showing us more Wordless Wednesday India pictures! Love these!!

  6. Oh wow – I visited Mysore about 15 years ago. Great pictures!

  7. Layla Morgan Wilde

    Love pics from India. I’ll be back. Happy WW!

  8. The buildings are beautiful! Please show us more, Violet!

  9. I love that palace!

  10. I wouldn’t mind living in a palace like that. ;P

  11. I love the statue!

  12. What fabulous pics! I especially love the first one!

  13. givingreadingachance

    When did u guys come here?! :-|

    • Oh it was almost 3 years back when I was staying in Bangalore. I’ve been to Mysore twice though, once with my family and once with friends, you must show us more of your place Veens :)

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